21 Feb 2009

Andaman AIDA FreeDiving Challenge 2009

Andaman AIDA FreeDiving Challenge was held in Koh Lanta, Thailand from 10th to 12th of Feb. This competition started last year organized by Blue Planet Divers. This Year they had a Special Guest, Guillaume Nery who hold the world record for Constant weight with fins (go down and up with kicking by your own power) 113m. It was very nice and frienly atmosphere...everybody was smiling all the time! Here is the preview of the competition. They gonna organize for the next year, too.  Enjoy!




6 Feb 2009

finally I started my Blog!! ブログやっと始めました。

Heya guys!! Finally I started my own blog! Woohoooo!!

Quick info about me. I am Underwater FreeDiving Videographer. Yes, I make videos underwater while holding my breath. In this blog, I would like to share with you my FreeDiving trip, the things I saw, I eat... Enjoy!!!

